Paris Tabernacle, Paris, ID

Summer RV Tour
Home to Alaska

11-Apr thru 8-July 2019

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(Summer RV Tour)

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Today drove around Two Canyon Roads.
- Bloomington Canyon Road
  This was a dirt road that went to a high mountain lake. Unfortinately the road to the lake was gated near the lake.It was a nice drive, 10 mi. so we took short walk up a trail instead.

- Minnetonka Cave, St Charles Canyon Road
  This was a mountain cave at about 7500'. The cave had 440 steps and was 40 deg. We only wanted to see the country not the cave that so that was OK. We did luck out and found a young Moose running down the road. We slowed down to 25 mph and followed him for a short distance before he decided to go back into the woods.
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Today drove to Montpelier, ID.

- Oregon/California Trail Center
  They have 3 great exhibits. One provids a 1st hand example of what faced the emigrants on the Trail West.
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- Oregon Trail Portal at Big Hill
  Here we could see the Wagon ruts going down the steep side of Big Hill.
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- Paris Tabernacle
  This is a red sandstone church built between 1884 and 1889.
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Today drove to Soda Springs to see the Geyser but we found much more. Soda Springs is a small town with a long history.

- The Oregon Trail wagons would stop at Soda Springs, 1842-1880, to sample the Soda Water found here.

- A fort was established here tp protect the settlers and the travelers on the Oergon Trail.

- The area was known for the many Soda Water springs. There is an underground chamber containing High Pressure Carbon Dioxide Gas. This gas mixes with water in this chamber producing Soda Water. In 1937 the city drilled to 315 feet in an attempt to find a hot water source for a community swimming pool. Instead they opened a geyser. The water could not be used for the pool because was not hot, it contained C-O2, and minerals. The geyser flooded the city streets and caused "Old Faithful" to become erratic. The City capped the geyser and is now on a timer so that errupts every hour on the hour. The geyser reaches heights of about 100 feet. This is the only captive geyser in the world.

- In 1924 the Alexander Reservoir was created. The Donkey Engine was used to haul supplies to build the dam. When the dam was completed the Donkey Engine was abonded. In 1976 the reservoir was drained for repairs and the Donkey Engine was uncovered.

Theater on Mainstreet, still OPEN
Random Soda Spring in a dirt road
Earlier in the day I said "I have not seen the theater."

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Today drove around the country side South of Downey, ID. The beautiful country side made an enjoyable ride

- Red Rock Junction, Red Rock Pass Geological Site.   This is the site of the Great Bonneville Flood in 14,500 years ago.

- Past Swan Lake and back to downtown Downey.

- The weather today was much better, Sunny, 40 deg in the morning, 61 deg in the afternoon, light wind.

Golden Eagle seen over Red Rock Junction
Large old farm house
Very wide streets in Downey
Earlier in the day I said "I have not seen the theater."

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Today we took the day off
- Laundry Day
- Posted photos for Capital Reef National Park
- Steak Dinner and Soak Special at the Hot Spring.
  Dinner was a Ribeye Steak with salad, bread, baked potato.
  "SOAK" was siting in the Hot Spring Pool for about 1 hr. They have two pools with water piped in from a hot spring just up the hill. The hot water is has cold water added to set the desired temperature. The larger pool was 103 Deg F and the other 106 Deg F. The pools are outdors but shielded from the direct wind. It was a windy, rainy, cold (39 deg F) night but it really felt GOOD.

This place stays open all year round.

6-Jun-2019 - 1 new State today
12 - Idaho
Salt Lake City, Utah via I-15 to Downey, Idaho
Previous traveled States
1 - Florida
2 - Georiga
3 - North Carolina
4 - Tennessee
5 - Kentucky
6 - Illinois
7 - Missouri
8 - Kansas
9 - Colorado
10 - Utah
11 - New Mexico

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Last Updated: 16-Jul-2019
Copyright © 1997-2019, Gary Sanderson, All Rights Reserved