
Port Arthur, Australia


Port Arthur, Australia
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12-Feb-2023   /   Port Arthur, Australia
Port Arthur Penal Colony: From 1833 until 1877, Port Arthur was the destination for those deemed the most hardened of convicted British criminals, those who were secondary
offenders having reoffended after their arrival in Australia. Rebellious personalities from other convict stations were also sent there. In addition, Port Arthur had some of the strictest
security measures of the British penal system.

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The "Separate Prison" building
The Separate Prison was where the worst prisoners were placed. Here physical punishment was replaced by psychological discipline.
Prisoners were required to remain silent, identified by number, wore hoods while in each company of others, not allowed to leave the Separate Prison building.
Prisoners spent an hour's exercise and 23 hours of every day in his tiny cell in solitude and silence.
Prisoners sometimes spent days in punishment cells without seeing light or hearing any sound.
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For church services and daily reading of the rules the prisoners stood in separate booths.
Here they could not see other prisoners.
The Chapin was responsible to encourage the prisoners to accept religion.

The "Penitentiary" building
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Back side of the Penitentiary building
The sign in front of Peaches is talking about the prisoner that was in that small cell.

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