
Adelaide, South Australia


Adelaide, South Australia
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15 & 16-Feb-2023

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15-Feb-2023   /   Outer Harbor - Adelaide, South Australia
Adelaide is located about 14 miles via train from the Cruise Ship Port at outer Harbor.
On the 1st day I decided to just walk around North Haven. I walked down the main road thru the area of subdivisions until I saw a sign pointing the the
North Haven Shopping Center. I followed this road until I was about 2 miles from the Port but I had not seen any sign of the shopping center.
I turned around and returned to the Port and ship.
This was are greeter
The Train Station was just across the street from the Port. I saved that ride for tomorrow.
I was walking past the entrances to subdivisions and noticed these two RV's.
Another house was decorated to welcome us into town.
Many of the yards along the street had nice flowers and shrubs. I found these flowers, that I had never seen before, in one yard.
No Shopping Center seen so I turned around.
On the way back to the Zuiderdam I was greeted by this bird.

16-Feb-2023   /   Adelaide, South Australia
When we arrived in Adelaide we found the temperature was 103 deg. Since we were walking we decided to go 1st to the St.Peter's Cathedral.
When we arrived we could not find any entrance open, so I went into the Cathedral office. Here I found a person that had the key
and since there was a person already in the Cathedral preparing it for a service later in the day, she was able to let us in.
Rose Window over the Nave entrance.
High Alter seen through the Chancel.
Lady Chapel, behind the altar is the original High Altar.
The chamber organ can be used in this chaple or moved it to the Cathedral.
Time to take the train back to the Zuiderdam.

16-Feb-2023   /   New Haven Shopping Center
While on the train back to the Zuiderdam I noticed the New Haven Shopping Center was at one of the train stops.
I wanted to get several more photos of the unusual plant that I had seen on the previous day and we still had plenty of time and I could use the same train pass for the remainder of the day after eating a late lunch I returned to the train. I thought that I had only been a short distance from the New Haven Shopping Center I decided to see if I was correct. It turned out that the plants were only .36 miles from the shopping center, short walk and a second train ride allowed these photos

Atriplex Hymenelytra

This is the flower that made me want to make a second trip out in New Haven
to get several additional photos.
I was surprised when I found one that appears to bloom.
I was surprisd as it looked like a lemon tree that was planted too close to the sidewalk.
But, it appears that this trees friut has the limb through the friut.

Irish Rose

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