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Null Island
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The two above images are from the Wikipedia Web site for: Null Island

24-Mar-2023   /   Null Island
These two photos were take when the Zuiderdam was located about 300 ft. before reaching the location of Null Island.
The Captain was searching for weather bouy, SOUL, but it appeared that is was not currently at the location, no visual, radar, or beacon was found.

The Captain then centered the Zuiderdam over Null Island for about 10 min.
This set Bow was North of the Equator and the Aft decks were South of the Equator,
the Port side was East of the prime meridian and the Starboard side was West of the prime meridian.
Looking touard the Starboard side of the Zuiderdam.
Looking Forward and to the Port side of the Zuiderdam.

King Neptune Ceremony

Hear Ye, Hear Ye new sea dogs and old time mariners, whichever you may be. Know ye that on this 0 in latitude and 0 in longituer thou shalt appear at
the limits of my august dwelling of the Golden x in the world midway between the North and the South poles where the Equator crosses the Prime Meridian.
We have discovered that thou hast pollywogs on board amongst the crew who haven't been initiated,
the ritual will be held this morn at 1000 hrs. Join us to witness their initiation to Emerald Shellbacks
where they will receive the rigors of testing for their acceptable seaworthiness.

King Neptune the First, and the Mrs.
The pollywogs as they enter the ceremony.
The King and his Queen
Small groups of pollywogs brought before the King and the first must bow to the Fish.
Next the pollywogs are prepared for review..
This pollywogs is ready for review.
Now they must appear before the Captain and his staff for review.
After the review by the staff, they have been given the option to jump into the ocean near at hand.

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