
Visit Peggy's Cove, NS


Visit Peggy's Cove, NS
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06-Aug-2023   /   Visit Peggy's Cove, NS

06-Aug-2023   /   Visit St Johns Anglican Church.
We went to see Peggy's Cove on a Sunday but we had a problem getting a parking space near the Lighthouse.
I had noticed a small Church on the way in so we decided to go first to the Church and then worry about how to get a good parking space for the lighthouse.
We were very lucky when we got back to the Church we found that they had just finished their Sunday Services and they invited us to come in and look around.
This Church was much more than I had expected to find. While is was a simple Church the Altar area contained two wonderful paintings.
This church contains a wonderful Altar that this photo does not properly show.
It is composed of three items, Left and Right paintings and a central stainded glass window.
I have taken three separate photos that better show the important items in the Altar area
The Mural to the left of the Alter depicts Turbulance, Restlessness and Trouble. The Artist has tried to feel the power of the Seam and the hardships our fishermen undergo daily in seeking a living from the Sea.
In the center is a simple but effective stained glass window.
The Mural to the right of the Altar is the Artist's concept of Christ calming the Walters. It is depicting Our Lord Walking on the Sea in the setting of Peggy's Cove, with the Lighthouse Point in the Background
As we were leaving we learned that the Church only holds Sunday Services once or twice a month.
We also were invited to remain parked in their parking area so that we could go see the Lighthouse.

06-Aug-2023   /   Visit Peggy's Lighthouse.

While walking back to the car we noticed several additiional items that we had missed..
Many of the buildings in the area are painted bright colors.
As we passed a sculptures store I noticed this work that he had created outside his parking lot.

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