Fantasy Tours Alaske Tour

2019 Ultimate Alaska Caravan (61 day)

Dawson Creek to Dawson Sity

21-July to 30-Sept 2019

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 21-Jul-2019, Dawson Creek, BC

- Breakfast with the Caravan.

- Went to the Alaskan Hghway Mile "0" sign for a group photo.

- Drove to the Kiskatinaw River Wooden Bridge.
This bridge was build in 1942 and has since been bypassed by an upgrade of the Alaskan Highway.

Caravan Leaders, John & Carol Tesley, Debbir & Ricky Betts
"Wagon Masters" - Carol & John
"Tail Gunners" - Debbie & Ricky
Our Wagon Masters are still together after 13 days leading our 23 RV's.
The fields of the Canols farmers are Golden for us.

 22-Jul-2019, Fort Nelson, BC

- Breakfast on-road at Shepherd's Inn Family Restiuramt. (Mile 70.2 mi)

- Waterfall at (128.6 mi), this was the 2nd contest photo.

- After campground checkin visited the Fort Nelson Heritage Museum.

Bear seen beside the hiway.
Contest photo #1
Contest photo @2

 23-Jul-2019, Liard Hot Springs, BC

- Stopped at Tetsa River Services for a HOT Cinimum Bun, Good.

- Stopped Along the road to take a photo of water falls.

- Got a photo of bufflo walking on the shoulder of the road

- Enjoyed sitting in the Liard Hot Springs.

- Mexican dinner with the Caravan.

- After dinner we saw 4 Bufflo in front of the park entry.

- Bufflo near the RV in the morning.

Panarama of two small, but high, water Falls along Alaskan Hwy.
Second water fall at the same turnout
This bufflo was walking beside us along the hwy.
Soaking in the Hot Spring felt good after a long days drive.
Dinner Time!
4 bufflo were at the front entrance to the park. These 3 were between the Highway and the parking lot
The 4th one was cleaning up around in front of the gas pump.
He moved to back of the gas pump.
All 4 later walked down the driveway by the parked RVs.
In the morning they walked down the driveway by the parked RVs.
Grazing just across the access road.

 24-Jul-2019, Watson Lake, YT

- Got a photos of a herd of bufflo laying on the shoulder of the road

- Stopped upon entering the Yukon Territory for sign photo.

- Sign-Post Forest

 26-Jul-2019, Whitehorsee, YT

Today we had a 3 hour areas tour.
We Visited:

- Guided tour of the SS Klondike stern wheel river boat

- Yukon River Fish Ladder

- Watson area Visitors Center

Ships Boiler, Fierman must load once every 30 sec.
Engine Room, misc pumps & DC Generator.
Engine Room, one of two main engines.
Cargo Deck, Sample of Downstream cargo.
Cargo Deck, Sample of Upstream cargo.
Cargo Deck, 2nd class bed sued in empty cargo deck space.
At the Yukon River Fish Ladder, Girls just want to have fun.

 27-Jul-2019, Whitehorsee, YT

- Visited the Muk Tuk Sled Dog Kennel.

- Went to Miles Canyon.

Muk Tuk Sled Dog Kennel

 28-Jul-2019, Dawson City, YT

Long drive today with stops for photos at several places..

- Stopped at Braeburn Lodge.

- Stopped at the "Five Finger Rapids"

- Stopped at Moose Creek Lodge.

Braebutn Lodge, Famous "Cinnamon Buns"
outside Restrooms
4 members of the Caravan are getting cininamon Buns.

The cable was used to pull the boats upstream.
223 steps down to get to the trail to the river.

Moose Creek Lodge
Great old cabin / office.
6' high Mosquito
We could not pull up to the gas pump.

 29-Jul-2019, Dawson City, YT

- Morning walking tour of the downtown.

- Evening we visited "Diamond Tooth Gertie's Gambling Hall & Can-Can Show".

- Attended the "SourToe" Drink Challenge.

Tails by the river.
Bar in the Red Feather Saloon

The Diamond Tooth Gertie's Show.

The "SourToe" Drink Challenge

 30-Jul-2019, Dawson City, YT

- Caravan Breakfast

- Toured "Dredge #4".

- Hike the trail at the "Gold Discovery Claim".

- Visited a "Free Gold Panning" site.

- Visit the "Riverboat Graveyard".

- Lunch at Klondike Kates Resturant.

- Attend a show at the "Palace Theater".

Riverboat Grave Yard

Lunch at Klondike Kates Resturant before visiting the Palace Theater.

Overlook to Darwin.

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Last Updated: 13-Jan-2025
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