
Tolanaro, Madagascar


Tolanaro, Madagascar
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This port was cancelled due to Cyclone Freddy

5-Mar-2023   /   Tolanaro, Madagascar
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The Captain looked at the forcast for Cyclone Freddy and decided that due to the high winds it would be unsafe for the<.br> Passengers and the Zuiderdam to enter the Port of Tolanaro, Madagascar. Instead he change course to the stay East and South of Tolanaro. The Indian Ocean was still very rough but managable.
This is todays plot of cyclone Freddy. It started out in the Indian Ocean and endered the east side of Madagascar with winds over 100 mph.
Freddy passed over and entered Mozambique then turned back toward Tolanaro and finally it looks like it is headed to enter south of Talanaro with winds of over 78 mph.

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