
La Possession, Reunion


La Possession, Reunion
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3-Mar-2023   /   La Possession, Reunion
This is a photo taken from the ship looking North-East toward the N-1 going to St. Denis.
Leaving the ship I was planning to go to La Possession but the bus I was told to take took me to St. Denis, 5.7 miles.
Due to the short time in the port I had not taken the information about St. Denis.
I decided it was not a good idea to walk alone with no information, returned on the bus to the ship.
When I got back to the ship I found that many of us were confused and had returned.
When I checked there was no shuttle bus to La Possession, not what we had been told.
As the bus left St. Denis we passed this house.
Then down a back street on the way to the N-1 Interstate.
This was a very nice hiway that was built over a wall and then elevated. This replaced the original hiway directly under the Cliff.
This section of the road was not elevated above the wall.
Looking from the bus on N-1 back to the Zuiderdam in Port La Possession.
Port jetty and lighthouse
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Many ports had large parking lots for new cars and trucks being imported

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